Do Your Part And Donate To The Big Blanket Project

Not many of us have the luxury of warming up in our homes with a hot cup of coffee and a hearty meal. The Big Blanket Project wants to address this challenge by collecting blankets and wool to donate to those in need before the full force of winter is upon us. Winters in South Africa can get very cold, making hypothermia and frostbite real dangers to those who have to sleep outside. The article below will explain how The Big Blanket Project (an initiative supported by Cash Converters at Gift Acres Convenience Centre) works and will provide an overview of the benefits of donating to this project.
How The Big Blanket Project Works
The Big Blanket Project is a non-profit initiative by Cash Converters to collect blankets, wool, and fabric squares for the needy. Blankets are received and donated whole, while the wool and squares are used to knot or crochet blankets. Other items like beanies and bed socks will also be knitted as part of the drive, as these items can help provide an additional level of warmth that a single blanket may not be able to cover. The initiative is already ongoing and will last until the end of winter.
The following institutions will be supported by the initiative:
- Bramley Children’s Home
- Silversig Old Age Home
- Starfish Babies
- Sungardens Hospice Outreach
The Benefits Of Donating Blankets And Wool To Charity
Donating blankets and wool can do more than just help people stave off the wintry cold. There are measurable benefits not only for the person receiving the donation, but also for the person making the donation.
Below are some of the benefits of donating:
- It will help a person in need.
- It will make you feel good about yourself.
- It will inspire others to donate as well.
- It strengthens your core character and moral values.
- It creates a sense of community with everyone pitching in.
Donate A Blanket Today
You can make a real difference by donating blankets, wool, and other items people can use to keep warm. Every donation helps, so make sure to tell your friends and family to raise awareness of this wonderful project. Cash Converters at Gift Acres Mall is ready to receive your blankets, and is the central donation point for all items to be dropped off.
Click here to contact us if you have any further questions about the project.